TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre

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Can My Sleep Apnea Get Worse in the Winter?

Can My Sleep Apnea Get Worse in the Winter?

If you're one of the 18 million Americans who suffer from sleep apnea, then you know how much of a challenge it can be to get a good night's rest. And while there are many factors that can contribute to your sleep apnea and make it worse, did you know that seasonal changes, particularly winter weather, can have an impact? In our previous blog, we explained five possible warning signs of Sleep Apnea in Cary. However, read along to know about how sleep apnea can get worse in the winter.

Cold Weather and Congestion:

When the temperature drops outside, the humidity at your home varies. This can cause congestion and airway blockages due to dry air, leading to more snoring and fewer hours of quality sleep for those with sleep apnea in Raleigh.

You may prevent fungal growth by keeping the humidity level in the room below 50 percent during the winter months by using a humidifier.

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, cold weather could also make them worse. Allergies often flare up during colder months due to low humidity levels, which can lead to difficulty breathing correctly while sleeping. To combat this issue of headaches in Raleigh, try using a saline nasal spray or a doctor prescribed pill before bedtime.

  1. Adding on Extra Clothes:

    The urge to bundle up in layers when it's cold outside is understandable but if you suffer from sleep apnea and snoring issues, adding extra clothes might only add fuel to the fire. When we wear tight clothing around our necks and waist area, we restrict our chest cavity, which makes it harder for us to breathe correctly while lying down.

    To ensure you have enough room for air circulation when sleeping in colder temperatures, try wearing loose-fitting pajamas or bundling up with lightweight blankets instead of heavy sweaters or thick socks.

  2. Staying Active During Winter Months:

    Another thing that will help combat sleep apnea caused by cold weather is exercise. Exercise helps reduce inflammation in the throat tissues that can cause blockages resulting in snoring and shortness of breath during the nighttime hours.

    So find ways throughout the cold winter months to stay active like joining an online yoga class or taking daily walks around your neighborhood! Even for 10 minutes every day - any activity is better than nothing at all!


In order to take better care of yourself and obtain a better night's sleep, it is important to understand how the body might sometimes negatively react to the temperatures. So don't let cold weather deter your ability to get a good sleep by treating your sleep apnea in Cary. Use the tips today and start getting better rest tonight! For more personalized information on sleep apnea connect with Dr. Charles Ferzli - TMJ.

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TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Raleigh-Durham

  • 1150 NW Maynard Rd, Suite #140
    Cary, North Carolina 27513
  • (919) 323-4242
  • Monday: 9am – 5pm Tuesday: 9am – 6pm Wednesday: 9am – 5pm Thursday: 9am – 6pm Friday: 9am – 1pm Sat - Sun Closed We always have someone to answer the phone from 9-5pm every day
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