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5 Ways to Find Relief for Your TMJ Headaches

5 Ways to Find Relief for Your TMJ Headaches

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is a condition like common headaches. You will often feel intense pain and stiffness at the back of the neck and head, your jawline, or any specific side of your mouth. The constant and lingering pain can cause muscle tension and increase the risk of sleep apnea. In our previous blog, we have explained TMJ and sleep apnea symptoms to look out for in Raleigh. Read on to discover more details about TMJ headaches and the ways to get relief from them.

How Can TMJ Headaches Happen?

Often it is challenging to distinguish between general and TMJ headaches. This pain can also happen due to excessive teeth grinding, joint hypermobility, and osteoarthritis.

7 Most Visible Indications of TMJ Headaches in Cary:

  1. Tensed facial and jawline muscles
  2. Headache and earaches
  3. Tenderness and locking of the jaw
  4. Severe jawline and facial pain
  5. You can hear a clicking noise in the jawline while eating or talking
  6. Bite issues and difficulties in chewing
  7. Tension related headaches

5 Ways to Find Relief for Your TMJ Headaches in Raleigh:

  1. Anxiety, tension, and muscle stiffness can worsen TMJ pain. Gentle massaging in a circular motion will help reduce the swelling and pain. During TMJ pain, you must increase the blood flow to the face.
  2. Confronting stressful situations and events can increase anxiety which can lead to sleep apnea in Raleigh.
  3. TMJ pain-relieving exercises such as goldfish, chin tucks, and side-to-side jaw movements can significantly lower the pain.
  4. Incorporating yoga, daily meditation, healthy lifestyle modifications, and maintaining proper posture can help you progress toward preventing pain and reducing headaches in Raleigh.
  5. Solutions through ibuprofen etc can relieve the pain. But as those medications have harmful side effects on the organs, it is not advised for regular consumption.

If your TMJ symptoms in Cary keep worsening, you must try TMJ exercises for pain relief. It would help if you avoided exercising when you experience severe pain. While following the TMJ exercises, you will feel the pain gradually diminish. In case of severe and persistent pain, avail professional help right away.


If you are on the lookout for the finest TMJ Treatment in Cary you can consult Dr. Charles Ferzli, B.SC, DDS, DABCP, DABCP-CDSM, and his seasoned and professional team at TMJ & Sleep Therapy Center of Raleigh-Durham. Dr. Charles Ferzli is synonymous for providing exceptional quality and efficiency in dentistry. He has practiced dental sleep medicine, TMJ rehabilitation, and complex cosmetic procedures for more than two decades. Call us at (919) 323-4000 for more information or visit our website to schedule a consultation.

Contact Us

TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Raleigh-Durham

  • 1150 NW Maynard Rd, Suite #140
    Cary, North Carolina 27513
  • (919) 323-4000
  • Monday: 9am – 5pm Tuesday: 9am – 6pm Wednesday: 9am – 5pm Thursday: 9am – 6pm Friday: 9am – 1pm Sat - Sun Closed We always have someone to answer the phone from 9-5pm every day
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